Hi Foundry makers, Science is a building a new tool for DMS and trying to make it as useful and applicable to every member as possible. The tool is called a Raman spectrometer and can be as simple as shining a laser at something if designed well and with a purpose in mind. Sadly, I’m not familiar with the processes and techniques that go on in the Foundry but wondering if y’all might have any use for a tool commonly used for determining the quality, properties, and contaminants within plastics, commonly, but also within clays. Do you all ever need to know say… I dunno… if some clay is completely dry, a glaze has finished glazing, the concentrations of a metal in clay or glasses, or the material state of glasses. One Raman spectrometer setup might be particularly well suited for a given application but not so much others so were fishing around DMS for ideas and to gauge interest to come up with the best possible Raman spectrometer for DMS. Any feedback greatly appreciated.