Between automotive and Motorsports is there enough interest to purchase a set of corner scales?
Would be a great addition to our tool locker
This would be a great addition if there were vehicles equipped with coil over suspensions, or vehicles that need to determine where to add ballast to change the handling dynamics of their vehicles.
This is significantly more affordable than the one I have used while having enough capacity to handle most cars.
The usage also doesn’t have to be limited to vehicles, can use this to weigh anything that needs to be weighed up to the limit.
P.S. If there is a wireless version(and budget for it), that would be better as the wires are usually the first to fail.
Here is a wireless version from the same site. Proform 67644 Wireless Race Car Scale, Electronic Racing Scale
Cool! This is even better with no wires to damage and a much higher capacity at 7,000lbs vs 5,000lbs.
The pads can be used individually or together; use is only limited by imagination (and maximum capacity).
A caveat is to avoid windy conditions if you’re doing measurements. They are sensitive enough to give different measurements when there’s a good gust of wind.
Scales would be a huge asset to The Space and money VERY well spent. I vote yes
@dallasmagna & @JayJohnson600
Something to think about for Motorsports
That’s pretty reasonable. I could use those to determine my spring rate easily instead of “winging it “
Coil over vs ORI struts.