I need suggestions please for a mild patina on copper - something that approximates “old penny” or possibly just a little more aged. I have an elaborate texture/design that I don’t want to obscure, just age it a little.
I already know that some variation of salt plus vinegar and/or ammonia just deposits copper salt (green) crystals on the surface. That doesn’t really accomplish my purpose.
Homemade is preferable because I just have one small part, but commercially available is possible also.
This works pretty well, Patina Activator If I’m at the DMS your free to use some mine, I won;t be in there until Tuesday. I’m usually in the CA room working on something.
Yep, works great on copper as well. It may “stick” better to steel, but it doesn’t come off with casual handling, steel wool or sandpaper is needed. I usually overshoot the level of patina I want, then bring it back down with 0000 steel wool, but as always YMMV.