Cooking Classes- Sushi Making, Knife Skills, Knife Sharpening

Hi DMS Friends,

I’m a chef and would love to contribute to the community by teaching my craft in practice of 10 years. I was recently asked if I knew how to make sushi and if I could teach it. I can and would love to!

Am I allowed to teach food stuffs at DMS?

If I am allowed, please let me know if you are interested!



Nope, cause we can’t cook, due to no heat sources except microwaves/coffepots allowed…

oh, wait…

I only need to plug in a rice cooker

I am interested in knife skills and knife sharpening.


Me, too. I’ve looked at Youtube video and a CD from “Essential Pepin” for knife skills but I’m still not very good at it. I’d especially like to know how to prepare all sorts of vegetables.


Is it ok if it’s demonstrated and not consumed?
What people decide to do after the class is up to them.

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can you elaborate? Are you referring to a sushi class or the knife skills/sharpening class?


The sushi making - just wondering if you could demo sushi making and it be ok. Just trying to think of a way it could work for you.
The knife sharpening would be amazing.
Sign me up as interested in both.

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Nicole is referring to the fact that we don’t have permits, inspections, etc. for a “commercial kitchen”. If someone makes food that is consumed by other people, then it seems to fall into the definition of commercial kitchen.

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count me in for interested!

I’d love to attend a demo class of sushi being made, as long as we don’t eat in during class, as that would be wrong. :slight_smile:

What if there were stations and people just followed along with their own set up? Would they all have to bring their own ingredients or could the instructor provide?

I was considering doing the class in three segments starting with knife sharpening. I’ll demonstrate by sharpening your Steel/High Carbon knives on wet stones. We’ll talk about sharpening surfaces and knives.

The next segment would be the knife skills where we would prepare all the fillings for the sushi class (julienne carrots, red peppers, cucumbers), wash and soak rice, and I’ll demonstrate a few other vegetable prep techniques and terms. You would need to bring your own knife and cutting board.

The last segment (sushi class) We will cook and season the rice, prepare stations and practice rolling sushi. I would pick up the class ingredients and a small fee would cover your sushi rolling mat for you to take home.

Can I cook rice in a rice cooker? Outside with an extension cord?

Please let me know what y’all think


I would definitely be interested in parts 1 and 2 (vegetables only)

I think as long as people only eat the food they prepared and no one shares then it does not violate the commercial kitchen laws. That’s how Hobby Lobby gets away with cake decorating classes. A demonstration style class, again so long as you don’t share the final product, would also be fine. I’d be interested as well if this happens.

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Commercial kitchen laws and the health department (I think) only come in when someone’s selling food for money. I don’t think there are any violations for adults to cook for themselves and friends in a controlled environment, but I certainly want to follow DMS and health department rules. I’ll ask the HD tomorrow!

We’ll probably only be making tofu and vegetable sushi; only low foodbourne illness risk foods.

What time/day of the week would y’all like for this class set to occur?


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False. You do not have to sell food. Laws refer to the food being “consumed” not sold.

Example: “Soup kitchens” give away, not sell, meals they prepare and they are subject to commercial kitchen rules.

You’re probably right. How about then we act under the Good Samaritan Law for food donation to a nonprofit?

I’ll check with the Health Department tomorrow!

DO NOT represent Dallas Makerspace if/when you contact the Health department. You need to check with a Board member before you do this.

EDIT: (See rule #5 under DMS Code of Conduct).


Can I ask them as myself, an individual, what the rules are regarding hosting a food preparation lesson?