So, one of the issues on the other thread is the discipline process. This seems to be occuring because of some issues about how the process is supposed to occur when members come into conflict.
Here is the relevent section of our current rules:
So, according to these rules, if the complaint is handled by mediation between the two parties it wouldn’t be a disciplinary action and hence no record is need, since the disciplinary action must be performed by the entire board and minutes need to be maintained. So for those of you concerned about your privacy for minor matters, open disclosure shouldn’t affect that, in my opinion.
However, past practice has had the board treat these mediations as if they were disciplinary actions. In fact, for Tom’s recent ban past conflicts that never arose to an actual board item were included as reasons for the ban. This is a problem. Either they must be treated as the language describes, a mediation between two parties, or one or more of the parties must escalate it to an actual complaint for which the board can render a judgement on the record.
I believe if these rules were followed as written we wouldn’t have the privacy concern that seems to be a major objection.