It was completely bound up so I took it apart and cleaned up the ways, they were all rust and schmoo underneath. I reoiled with way oil to prevent any more rust.
The way by itself slides smoothly now, but I noticed an issue with the gib, unfortunately I didn’t have time to address it; but on the surface it appears that it cannot be properly tightened possibly due to wear/time.
If it isn’t something else, one possible solution is to “take a little bit off the top” to allow the gib adjust to tighten properly (right now it appears to be bottomed out.)
Lol. Bob and I did the same thing this afternoon, should of checked Talk first.
The problem with the compound is if the gib is adjusted to allow proper ease of movement there is unacceptable side play in the compound of approximately 200 micron/.008 inch. I’ve used this same lathe for several years and not had this issue before. It’s clear there is damage most likely resulting from a hard crash into a chuck. I think the compound will need more thorough inspection to determine what the actual problem is. I’ll see what I can find out.
Does the gibb have Turkite laminated to it. If so we could replace it and hand scrape it down to proper size. I have Turkite scraping tools if needed, the only other thing we would need is a granite inspection table top block.