Committee Project - Fundraiser

As per our meeting agenda notes. VCC will be organizing a community fundraiser event.

How this works

Members would get a table to sell electronics (retro, vintage, or modern), technology, and other items that they bring. Proceeds would be donated directly back to Dallas Makerspace as highlighted on the agenda item.

We would be working along with @Team_PR and @Team_Digital_Media to help stream the event to twitch and youtube.

Our Goal

Raise between $500-1000 to support Dallas Makerspace and future projects.

Wish to help?

We would love to have you there. Please email [email protected] the details of what items you wish to sell and include at least three photos of the item.

Success, Fun, and Shopping

If your just wanting to come then look out for the calendar event below when it goes live and be sure to share this post on social media, with your co-works, friends, and anyone else that you can think of whom would love to have a chance to get their hands on some amazing tech.

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Have you set a date?

@Team_VCC, when are we planning to have this?

How about next Saturday?

No complaints from my end and that’s the same day as the CTF too so we may get a little bit of a larger attention with that day.

We need more time than that to get on event calendars if you want a proper media release. If you want it sooner, we’ll have less media coverage for you.

@denzuko, if you get me a quick answer to the questions who/what/when/where/why/how, some pictures and some quotes, I’ll write a quick media release and send it for review and distribution.


@raffi think we can get the rest of the details that’s not already in this thread for @Holliday?


What about two weeks from today? If you’re cool with that, I can put it on the calendar and work on promotional content.

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I’m good with any day, given a 48 hour notice. @Holliday that works for you or should we shoot for the next Retro Sig Meetup that @mrcity has suggested earlier?

Been chatting up a few friends whom are yet to become members that are interested in joining in for the event. So the sooner we pick a day the better.

Once you figure out all the details, send me an email with exactly what you’ve settled on and I’ll review to make sure the process isn’t going to get us in trouble.

Not trying to tell y’all what to do, but there are rules about this stuff and we need to make sure we aren’t accidentally breaking them

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Can I buy a working USB keyboard like in a day or two?

The short answer here is no- (not from DMS at least) for a bunch of reasons. We cannot sell anything to members that is not also offered to the general public and sold at fair market value.

After your fund raiser is over, what happens to the un-sold stuff? It cannot stay in the warehouse forever. Do you have a timeline for removal?

Assuming you didn’t mean to reply to me.

I don’t want to wait two weeks…well Amazon then. :frowning:

@Team_Digital_Media on this point when CA had a garage sale we cleared the room till the true posted start time so it wouldn’t be see as any issue of inside dealing. We made about $800 that day.

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@mrcity When is the next Retro Sig Meetup? I think it’s a good idea to have it be the same day since a significant portion of the hardware is retro.

The DFW Retrocomputing group (organized via Meetup) is having their meeting I believe 3-6 PM on Saturday October 12 at DMS. Like 4 years ago when I first started coming to their meetings, there might have been six people to show up. Now with the increased interest as a natural transition beyond console games and from Computer Reset, it could draw 30 or 40 people.


@raffi, @mrcity

It also might be a good idea to give LGR and David a hat tip about this. Not sure if they’ll be up to joining on the event but would be a good suggestion anyways.