Commerial rubber stamps redusing size

While I was digging in my storage building today for the kiln for science I found a drawer of
commercial rubber stamps I think they date from when MJ Desins went out of business

I would love to use them for pendents for either clay or metal, but they are too large as they are Is there a way to
scan the image and reduce it and reproduce it so it could be used to stamp pottery or
for acid etching in jewelry?

There are unusual since they are various dog breeds

Could you ink them, stamp on paper, scan that, scale to whatever you wish?

Protip: I hear there’s inky-inclined folks lurking around that are armed with ink and rollers for large stamps :stuck_out_tongue:

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That might work I just really want to figure how to sue them lots of breeds of dogs in there

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how about the 3d scanner?


I haven t used it, but I was thinking about it and maybe cutting it on th shapeko