See you there, or, as we used to say back in the day:
(be there or be talked about)
See you there, or, as we used to say back in the day:
(be there or be talked about)
Too short a notice.
It was a good meeting. Lots of excellent ideas for moving the committee and SIG forward.
Who’s the main contact?
“On the calendar” is not sufficient. We need a better means of calling attention to these meetings. Burrying it in another thread on talk does not help. Reminders once and only once at t-3hrs is not great either.
It might not be a perfect solution, as not everyone uses the platform, but we did talk about setting up a FB page. One benefit would be it’s ability to send out event notices and reminders.
Even some sort of email list would do. Just send out a Google Calendar event to the list. Then you can set up all the alarms and reminders you could want.
My problem is that I work evenings, so I need to go in early if we have a 1900 meeting. 3 hours warning is not enough to make that happen.
Some improved method would certainly be appreciated. I’d like to participate more in electronics and AR, but the meetings are hard to keep up with for some reason.
I was teaching Electronics/Arduino in the Purple room. Do we have minutes of the meeting?
Congratulations to Adam for upgrading to an Extra Class Ham Radio license. He passed the FCC test!
Good news!
By edict of the BoD, all committees must select recurring, immutable, monthly meetings:
So it’s unclear to me if “Electronics Robotics Committee” has chosen the 11th, or the 2nd Thursday of each month, but now you can plan ahead!
Just putting this out there, probably not the best location, but I inherited some HAM equipment after a death in the family and I have no interest in using it. Its covered by some sawdust and needs to be cleaned up but I need to move it. I’m not sure if donating it to the space is something anyone would want (perhaps post expansion), otherwise I might let it go to an individual at “get this the hell out of my garage” bargain prices.
Just let us know how you wish to disposition this Ham Radio equipment. I would be happy to look at your equipment and make an inventory list of what you have. With the additional space in the new Makerspace area we will have a permanent Amateur Radio workbench.
If its not something the space needs/wants to add to the DMS station build, I would be very interested helping you clean up your garage.
Electronics / Amateur Radio SIG Meeting for 10/11/2018
7 people in attendance.
Shawn Christian, Richard Meyer, Zach Metzinger, Adam Overman, Kelly Baggett, Aaron Conchman, Dan Ludden
Discussed the following topics during the meeting:
OK folks…here’s your heads up on the next mng.
Thurs 11/08/18 Lecture Hall @7:30p
That’s the Thurs before the monthly Fri Mbrshp/Potluck mtng.
Any questions???
Thanks Art.
Added to my calendar.
Now that expansion is under way an we have a little space, I wanted to revisit my donation of that radio equipment. Is anyone from the radio SIG going to be around soon (maybe tonight or tomorrow night) to take the donation? It fits into a large plastic storage bin if that gives some reference to quantity.
I’ll be at DMS Tues and Wed for mtngs (7:00p).
You can drop off box / bin in the ELab - put my name on it.
Do you need a receipt for taxes?
Great, I can drop that off this evening. Thanks Art! I blew the equipment off with compressed air, but I imagine it might need some more dusting, its been in storage for a while now.
I wouldn’t mind a tax receipt. I have no way to know the value so if you want to make an assessment for the receipt at your leisure that’s cool.
Might be a good idea to take some picts of the gear for your records.
The DMS receipt will not have a value on it, just a description and signatures.
Value is done by the donor - however we can gather some info and send it back your way.