Color Coding For Committees

@Cairenn_Day, it looks like David plans on documenting it well ~ including posters… :smile:


Yep. The color coding on the tools has always been to identify their “home”.

Thought I’d just do a query of what all the committees wanted then get it up and posted. Just a little bit more to helping keep the place organized.

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I missed that sorry,

I will bring this up in Jewelry/small metals Thurs night

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No worries… :slight_smile:

[quote="Cairenn_Day, post:43, topic:18737"] I will bring this up in Jewelry/small metals Thurs night [/quote]

Awesome ~ Thanks! :slight_smile:

Science respectfully requests a light green that matches it color here on Talk. HTML code: 3ab54a

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Back off woman Rawrrrr

Doubling up on colors already in use by other committees in the workshop may not be a good idea, maybe double up on a color in use by the front room?


Agree with Pearce. Also the likelihood of finding tape and paint that matches a color gamut defined by HTML is unlikely.

I don’t think it will be a problem if it is a Light Green as listed as long as it is noticeably lighter than the green ued by Auto. The main purpose is to avoid confusion in marking tools, floor marking is a very distant secondary item - a boundary marker is a boundary marker, color coding is helpful.

But Light Green (meaning noticeably light), Lime Green, Fluorescent Green, etc. would work. For now it is listed as Light Green, is acceptable and listed as “pending” let me know.

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Uh oh, the bikeshedding has begun.


I can start bike shedding! There used to be colored pathways people could have followed to put tools back!

Looks at yellow marked tool in hand
Looks up at yellow line on wall
Throws tool in trash


Something simple and brilliant - @bitta is using simple nail polish with some of the leather tools. Would work for some of our small tools and its cheap and pretty durable to a point. I found the duct tape we use at Walmart they even sell smaller duct tape in the arts section but it’s frequently picked over.

If they don’t have it, I don’t think it exists.

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Judging by our inability to read signs, I expect there will also be a total inability to differentiate between shades of green (or any color).

Science is gonna have so many odb2 readers.


And finally - remember committees can use the vinyl cutter for DMS needs at no cost. However, I’m not willing to buy all the colors. You can find small amounts at michaels of specific colors. Just FYI.

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I think the colors are used primarily when committee members see or go “harvesting” their wayward tools. This is especially bad with hand tools. It’s amazing people are able to hunt them down in the various tool boxes but are unable to remember where they got them.


Jewelry doesn’t currently have a designated color. However, we will discuss designating one tonight at our committee meeting and let you know.


Suggestion: Copper. You use that a lot and the color is easy to find.

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Classroom will take purple or red, whichever Laser does not want.

If we were to follow OSHA floor-taping suggestions for areas that require protective eyewear or other hazards that would confuse the tool-labeling floor tape.

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Not that my opinion matters, but given the purple classroom, it seems like purple is a great color for the Classroom committee.