Not talking about sewing, dye sub, fibers or anything computer related.
We will have other posts for that.
We’re meeting in a couple of weeks to talk about and brainstorm some ideas (most of which will need to be modified for time and budget and and and and and…) but still…let’s not be afraid to dream together.
Post some ideas, dreams, practical applications and general just good ideas here and let’s discuss.
Specifically this is for the “general” arts area of creative arts. Painting drawing work space
What types of art based tools would you like to see/use/have available?
What type of space would you find most desirable?
What are the positives of our current room?
What are things you find our room lacking?
I assume since there are now some life drawing classes that you have drawing boards and/or easels. Other than that, a projector and light table would be nice. Of course, drawing supplies such as pencils, charcoal and pens. I think people, should probably provide their own oil paints since they are expensive. Ultimately a good press for printmaking would be nice.
I really like the paper rollers on the workshop tables. I think they would be a good idea on the “messy” work tables in CA - the ones that get used for various dyeing, painting, gluing, etc. types of projects.
I think that it would be great if we could have more organization that is out of drawers and visible, labelled, and obvious for people trying to find things.
For example, in my craft room I use peg boards to get things off of counters and out of drawers. There are tons of hangable baskets, cups, and other accessories for pegboards that make them worth while.
We just have SO much stuff. We’ve done a great job so far at getting it tucked away so that the place isn’t a pig sty, but I think that with so many people coming in and out we basically have to make the organization system as intuitive as possible or people are going to do what they’re doing now (putting things in the wrong spot or worse not picking up after themselves at all).
The first thing we need to do is to inventory our supplies
Since I doubt anyone want so spend days doing this we need to come
up with an inventory sheet That can be filled out and dated and then taped
to the cubby cube or to the drawer
This is something that folks can do when they have a few minutes
When all are done we would then know what we need spots for what needs to bereplaces and such
This might have already been covered in expansion stuff (Im just catching up) but some sort of wet storage for painters? Not long term just literally “I cant move this until its dry”.
@John_Marlow@rvalles70 asked or a compressed air drop in each of the rooms for assorted usages. From what I understand it’s going to get quoted out and discussed so it’s possible - we will see