Collaboration with Veteran Institute of Film & Media and the Dallas Film Society

Hello DMS!
I recently met the President/CEO of the Dallas Film Society and the VIFM. After speaking to them about the current push for more video being shot at the Dallas Makerspace, they offered to send some Veterans as part of an internship opportunity at the Dallas Makerspace. They will be available to begin shooting after October 15th. My question to you guys and especially @Committee_Chairs is when would you be available the week of October 15th to film. I will be available nearly everyday before 7 and would like to get as much done as possible while I have the help of interns. This is a huge opportunity for collaboration and I want to capitalize on it. Aside from the 1 minute committee videos, who else has planned or would like to plan for video to be shot at the space? How-tos, committee information, tutorials, etc… Leave a comment below with a time and I will send that information along to VIFM.

Adnan E. Chahbandar
Chair of Digital Media


Me and @brsims will be at the Perot Museum on the 19th starting at 5pm. It’d be great to get some footage of our demo there

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What is the Demo? and how long will you be there? can you send me a bit more information?

@Team_Creative_Arts hey guys - who wants to pull together some how-to’s and tutorials really quickly

How to thread the sewing machines
Basic leather working
Cameo vinyl basics
How to use the button maker

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PS this is a great opportunity, I personally am not a fan of being filmed (the cops are still looking for me ya know)

I like the idea of videos on how to use each of the tools, I don’t know that I’d be available in this timeframe

Let’s focus on one thing - like say, dying leather or something. You write up the main things and we will find someone to be the star of the show.


It’s for thier makers social science event, we will be demoing short Blacksmithing projects using the small gas forge and a single anvil.
Not completely sure on the time table yet, but we will be doing demos for at least a couple hours

Holy Mackerel I haven’t thought about that song in years and years!
“If a man ever needed dyin’, he did”
Sounds better than saying “killin’“ I guess.

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