Cold Cut Saw Stock

Some time in the next few weeks I’m going to tryout the cold cut saw. I’m wondering how long of stock can I cut using the saw? Can it handle a 4”x4”x.25”square tubing?

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That cross section is at the upper limit. It has supports preset for say 8-10ft lengths, but with custom supports anything you can get in the door in terms of length should be doable.


Ok that’s good to know. I need at least 10’ access for the posts to cross cut.

What are the limitations if any on a miter cut?

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Not sure, but you should be able to get 45deg on 4x4


My miters will be on rectangular stock of 3”x1” 11ga

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Adding file to wiki.


Perfect. Maybe I’ll laser that chart and put it up by the saw.


Why, our members can’t read…


Maybe , easier to print and laminate. But not as cool!

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Lol … I can and do read … but I have to admit, I hate to search for info!

Walter was referring to things clearly posted - and ignored.

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Yah I know… that was my attempt at self deprecating humor! :wink:

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