Can than cold cut saw cut miters in 1degree increments up to a 45?
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My recollection is that it goes to 45, and it is up to you to figure out the angle. That protractor isn’t exactly high tech.
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Ok thanks, that’s what I thought. I was wondering if it had detents in the range.
I have specific angle I need to cut and can make a jig to set angle.
It is infitely variable between +45 degress and -45 degrees. there are no stops and detent points.
If you have a specific angle to cut here’s my recommendation and what I do:
- Get a pice of scrap, say a 2 x 4.
- Lay out the angle you want on one end
- Go to Wood Shop and cut that angle on one end 90 degrees at the other
- Place the angled piece of wood into the CCS vise to where it can barely slide
- Lower the blade down and get the blade even with wood angle
- When done use the 90 degree to set the blade back square.
Great - Makes sense, that’s what I’ll do.