Classes! We need classes! Planning for 2018

Greetings and Happy New Year. We didn’t do too poorly in 2017. we started off slow, went into a flurry of classes, had a good showing during the open house and then petered out at the end. Still, all the bases were generally covered. Let’s try to make 2018 a more successful year. Starting with January - who wants to teach what? and make a real commitment to it?

I’m working nights now and that will likely continue so that cuts me out for most of the prime time hours. I’m still going to give up a couple of Sundays and do the HAAS 1 and HAAS 2 classes and take the Domino checkouts as they come up. I wish I could commit to more but the 2nd shift is rough on these bones. If I’m around on a Saturday I’ll be happy to do ad-hoc classes as well.

This would be a good time for any new members that want to teach to step up. Even if doesn’t follow the strict curriculum we have set up on most of our machines it’s important that someone qualified to help others get access so they can get to making something. Just please get it on the Calendar as soon as possible and don’t forget to put up a decent list (syllabus) of the items that will be taught if you’re asking for the honorarium. cheers!


I’ve been thinking about what I could teach and outside of the HAAS operation and test out (which you seem to have covered) I could teach a general G code class. I don’t know how much interest there is in that, so I’ll put the question out there: Do people want to learn about G code? Respond with your desire and I’ll consider doing a class.


I’ll commit to do:

  • Bridgeport
  • Bridgeport of Sherline Mill trained (short 90 minute class)
  • Sherline Mill for Bridgeport Trained (short 90 minute class)
  • Sherline Mill
  • Clausing Colechester x 1
  • PlasmaCam x 1

Machine shop classes will have optional Cold Cut Saw at end, Plasmacam will have optional Induction Furnace


outside of a production shop where you are making on the spot changes (mostly at adding tool compensatons) I just don’t see many people writing programs in straight G-code. It is certainly much easier to do parametric design (f360) and post the code. I personally feel it is a good thing to know so you can see what your posted program is actually doing. but as an analogy to doing assembly language it is better to do things in a higher level language. the thing I don’t get to do often is to offer a 2nd type of project class for the HAAS. something practical like my bottle opener class with the joker head would be something I would want to see. however, it has a limited audience since they would have had to go thru the domino test out to qualify to run a 2nd project.


Maybe, and this is an idea that might apply to more than just machine shop, to start off the new year it’d be useful to do a series of “train the trainers” classes to increase the number of folks who are qualified to teach some of the basics courses and free up some of the more experienced teachers to use their time teaching more advanced/fun stuff. Seems like there is a lot of interest in the basic stuff (welding, bridgeport, lathe, sherline, tons of stuff in the wood shop, etc.) and not a ton of trainers classes that make the schedule. I feel comfortable with a lot of that equipment and would be happy to teach some basics classes but a run through on the curriculum and DMS methods would be helpful.

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I’d be happy to do Train the Trainers for Bridgeport and Sherline mill.

One class could cover both if you’ve had both classes. If interested, answer here and I’ll contact to work out when.

Haven’t had those at DMS, but I’ve used a Bridgeport previously. Definitely interested.

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I’ve taken both and would be interested in learning to train those.

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Yes please make classes

id be interested in train the trainer…have education and experience in machine shop

I am still wanting to teach. My schedule is very full as i am trying to clear it up to be able to be at DMS more.
I need to put some curriculum together for the machine shop and welding classes.

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I will be at the space tomorrow evening, probably in the commons room - or at least my computer will be if I’m in the shop.

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I am interested in a teacher’s class in Bridgeport and Sherline mill.

That I can do. How many people interested in a Train the Trainer class for Bridgeport.

If you have Bridgeport experience, let me know, we can “test” you out.

im interesed in either the class or testing out (i have bridgeport experience) but i didnt see any classes on the schedule

I could probably make myself available occasionally to train on the mills, I’ve done a fair bit with the Bridgeport lately. Would need to brush up on the newer lathe to be comfortable volunteering for that one. But please do let me know if you decide to do a train-the-trainer course. I’ll do my best to join.

I’m interested.

blah blah characters…

My issue is that I’m still working 2 jobs 9-5:30 at the University M-F and Tool Maker 6-11 M-Thur. I wont be able to make it in on Tuesday but I will be at the committee meeting on Thursday and we can chat afterwards if you have time.

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My main objective is to get signed off on the equipment and just get to know y’all a bit better. I also need to find out and meet who runs the metal shop and do the same. I have 20 years experience so I don’t need training. Free time is my biggest speed bump, trying to keep my sanity and l lady happy.

We can do it after the Machine Shop meeting, how’s that?