Classes wanted or needed

Agree! And technically the Babylock embroidery machine is a CNC sewing machine. :smile:


does anyone here have any suggested woodshop classes that they want taught?

see - Suggested Classes

New member but later down the road this year I was going to gauge the interest in possibly teaching some Traditional Photography or Alternative Photography classes. Things like film development, cyanotypes and pinhole camera making. These things don’t require a darkroom and very few items. Would anyone be interested in these?


What about a woodshop class for frame to hold your pet s
food dishes? I have a small kitchen and keep bumping my dog s
wterbowl Folks would need to have the size of the dish the are using
and then the stand would have a hole to fit them

BTW if you have a large dog, the large stainless steel mixing bowls work great and
they will outlive you pet, maybe you! I have am using a bowl now that I bought with Top Value
stamps sometimes in the early 8\70s

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Hey All,

Is this thread still being used for classes wanted/needed? I would really like for some NinjaFlex 3D printing classes as that would be very beneficial.

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I’ve seen some SolidWorks related classes fly by on the calendar before I can sign up for them. Any chance we could get some more of those? It also looked like we had hosted a SolidWorks certification class. I would love to get certified on it.

A cutting board class in October, (for Christmas gift) before Nov and Dec get too busy with DMS Move, Regular life, etc… :wink: Thanks!

Linkedin, Using it effectively for a job search… do I understand the basic version and am I maximizing its use? Is the premium version worth it? Do’s and Don’t for posting a generic resume when a specific job is not listed? Increasing your network effectively (quality vs. quantity) and how to filter out recruiters that do not have contacts in the career field your targeting? etc… Thanks!

It’s my understanding the welding classes (MIG bigger project type) are on hold due to maintenance / clean up issues? I might be wrong

I am putting one on the calendar for October 30th, watch for it to show up in about 3 days.

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Just low on Instructors. @brsims is giving a class soon.


I will continue the trend of doing various project classes on the lathe, but I understand you are looking at the rest of the shop :slight_smile:

I wouldn’t mind seeing laser-specific project classes, like make a small box or something like that. I learn better with hands on practice so often times the 101 classes leave me with more questions than not.


I might have missed any classes that got scheduled, but I’d love to use the sheet metal forming and cutting tools.

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Tonight actually.

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I worked as a Welder for many years, years ago :slight_smile:

Let me know what I have to do to get checked out for whatever process, ARC, MIG, or TIG and I’d be happy to help out.

Are you able to come to the Metal shop committee meeting on Friday? We can discuss it there.

What kind of box? Like these

Something like this that could be personalized. For the class I would just want the option to sit down and go through all the steps to make a simple box. Then later I could embellish it on my own with whatever design.

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Yep, I can make it down for the meeting, might be a bit after 6 before I get there tho.