I submitted two classes to the class/event calendar last Wednesday afternoon via the new “Copy Event” function . Neither class had the “Request Honorarium” box clicked. If I understand correctly, that means classes should have shown up by now, i.e. it’s more than 72 hours later. My understanding is 10 days for when instructor requests honorarium and 3 days if it is going to the sponsoring committee…right?
I don’t see the classes posted…so either I don’t understand how the system is intended to work, or I do and it’s not working as intended. Either is fine, I’d just like to get it sorted.
Also, system generated confirmation emails for when a class/event is submitted (confirming what was actually received by system) and when a class/event is posted to the calendar would be very helpful for instructors to manage their classes, I think, so I am also submitting those suggestions as enhancement requests.
Tagging you, @AlexRhodes, as I think you may be the only one that knows how system actually works, rather than just someone guessing or repeating what they heard.
After you submit a class or event, when you use the MY ACCOUNT pulldown in the upper RH corner, and click on Hosting Events - it should show your just-submitted class/event in there. It updates in real time when you submit.
At least mine do this (and I don’t have any special administrator privileges or anything). I just confirmed it with a test so it’s not hearsay.
Thanks, I had not realized that functionality was there.
They classes I am wondering about are listed, so at least that confirms system received submission. But information displayed is only what is typically displayed on any calendar event, i.e. not all details of event/class submission, incl if honorarium was requested.
No, it responds with “Completed events can no longer be edited.” The issue with that is the event is scheduled for “When…Mon Sep 19 11am — 2pm”. So that doesn’t make any sense.
Also, on the primary event info page, it says: “Registration for the event is closed.” Which also doesn’t make any sense.
I got the same responses/messages for the class I submitted at same time as other for the following week on the 27th as well.
I had the same thing happen with the Leather SIG meetings. Copied from the previous mtg calendar event, with no honorarium. I requested a class at the same time and the class showed up, but not the copied events. I figured it was a PEBKAC error.
@mblatz Question for you, was the class you were copying from, a class that had already taken place or one that was still upcoming on the calendar?
The SIG mtgs I posted that didn’t take were copied from the August mtg after we had had the August mtg. The classes I copied that did take, were taken from a class that was still upcoming. Just wondering if that’s where the issue may lie, but IDK…just guessing here.
When I went in to just cancel the Oct mtg that still hasn’t shown up, At first I just entered an event on top of it and it allowed that…same time and same room. Then when I went to just cancel the bad Oct mtg, it told me I couldn’t edit event that had already occurred and I had noticed before that it was showing registrations for it were closed.
For now, crossing my fingers that the new Oct mtg that created from scratch will show up here in the next 72.
If the calendar team needs some beta testers, esp. people that are not involved with the actual coding – kinda like trying to proofread your own term paper – please let us know.
If we do create a test team for the calendar software (which is a great idea), I suggest that we seek out the folks who teach a lot of classes to be the buik of the team, with a few occasional teachers and those who just ‘use’ the calendar. I suggest that mix would be the most likely to identify problems early.