Hello all, new member here.
I’ve been wanting to take some of the basic jewelry classes like wire rings and bronze casting, but most of those classes are in the early afternoon. How often are those offered in the evenings during weekdays?
Hello all, new member here.
I’ve been wanting to take some of the basic jewelry classes like wire rings and bronze casting, but most of those classes are in the early afternoon. How often are those offered in the evenings during weekdays?
First of all, welcome!
Re wire
I know Sue Rogers has taught wire rings in weekday evenings, I think. Not sure of her style, but there’s always good information and techniques to pick up from any teacher. @Cairenn_Day, do you know if Sue has any upcoming plans? (Sue isn’t on Talk)
I teach wirewrap jewelry and it’s been usually a Thursday evening. Right now I’m in my extreme-busy time of year, so I am not teaching wire or fiberarts classes again until mid-June, but will start things back up then.
Here’s the style of stuff I do/teach:
First welcome
If you can come to the committee meeting tomorrow night and you can meet folks andd
put names to faces
Sue has a Tues night class up now
Katira has a couple of casting classes up on on tufa stone casting and
one on cuttlebone casting Bit those are bth dady time classes
How to use the metal furnace
You should take this class before you work independently in the area
I was chatting with Terry tonight and he is planning on some sand castins
and soapstone casting classes
I tend to teach work with sheet copper, in fact I have a foldforming class on Sun afternoon
Most of our classes are designed for novices so dont be a stranger
sign up and we will teach you what you need to know
Sue is on Talk as SROriginals, She is not real active here More so than FB
Ah, I forgot.
To clarify then, you’re on Talk waaaay more than Sue, but i knew you’d know what was up with her, and that you’d reply fairly quick with a helpful answer