Classes & events in 2016

I’ve promised to repeat my “Introduction to Atomic Energy” series in the New Year.
My tentative intention is to schedule it for Tuesday evenings at 8 PM, the 12th, 19th, & 26th of January, & 2nd of February. What say you?

Is there interest in another Comanche Peak visit? I can inquire with the person I contacted before, to see what is possible, but it will probably be a weekday during business hours.

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That schedule works for me.

Russell ward

I would like to visit the Comanche Peak nuclear reactor. Given enough notice I can make a weekday trip.

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I’d be interested in going to Comanche Peak depending on dates/ times.

I am interested as well. Can make most times. Thank you!

First session of “Introduction to Atomic Energy” was last night, & I’m afraid I was a little scatterbrained, & didn’t present it as well as I did the first time around. Hopefully next week I can do better.

After the initial problems I found it very interesting. I’m looking forward to the next.

The “Nuclear Fission Fuel Cycles” class last night turned out to be a bit of a mess. I’m going to reconstruct it into a “Nuclear Fission in the Global Energy Supply” two-parter & try again in a couple of months.