Class on Regular Expressions

I have carefully developed curriculum for a 3 session class/workshop on regular expressions.

The first two would cover theory, namely:

Deterministic finite-Automata:
Finite state machines
Regular Languages
Regular expressions

These concepts sound complicated but can be understood without any previous exposure to Automata theory or Computer Science.

The final session would cover implementations in code. Namely:

Regex in bash/shell
Regex in Python
Regex in Java
A project involving Regex parsing.

I’m seeking interest or public approval for a class like this before I make any more plans. I’m also looking for a collaborator I can teach these concepts to so that he/she may can help out with the class and even host occurring Regex classes in the future.


I’m a bit rusty, but I might be able to help. RegEx is a great thing to know when doing complex search/replace operations and the like… in ANY language.

Same here. I am not sure I remember the exact syntax for each language, but have a clear recollection of how to design and model Regex from an Automata Theory course I took at UTDallas.

A lot of people are intimidated by RegEx. Its incredibly simple when the nature and limitations of Regular expressions/Languages are properly explained.

I’m glad that you are doing this. DMS should have much stronger representation of computer science than it does, and I want to encourage that as much as possible. If I am able, I hope that Science Committee will sponsor a lot of computer classes.

Speaking of which, I hope you claim honorarium, as that gives you the opportunity of selecting a sponsoring committee that would collect a little bit of money, too.

I’m interested, but my free time is somewhat limited until October.

I have had Automata theory and may be able to help. My path was to lexers and parsers instead, so taking the regex class is of interest to me.

Edit: Ack, parsers.

I could use a refresher, soI am interested.

I’m interested, too. It has been many years since my Automata theory class at Baylor.

Deal! Consider this incentive to show up to learn the ins and outs of regular expressions.

I may teach round one of RegEx at the DMS in September. Then we can do a repeat of the classes in October and November.

Sounds fine. I would like to get together with you and Brooks eventually to talk about the curriculum.
If we consolidate a Regex class that gets some of the theory across to participants, we can try to graduate to classes on CFGs and CSGs for parsing. These are simple stepping stones to something like compiler design.