Class on creating the Cat5 o 9 tails

Eternal September is upon us and Halloween is around the corner. Its time to whip those PFY into shape.

In this class we’ll learn how to make the Cat5 o 9 Tails. Perfect for those lonely nights in the server room or just as a gift for your favorite system administrator.


@StanSimmons got one reserved just for you and another for @Team_Infrastructure

Bonus if you use color coded cables and can actually be used to bridge connections


I built one of those when I worked for T-Mobile WiFi. It may even still be hanging in the Frisco server room. :open_mouth:


Ok, shopping list time:

VCC should have the budget for this.

oh and the article on how to make one:

Plus, extra credit:,

@StanSimmons mind ordering up those items for the class? once they’re in I’ll put it up on the calendar.

And for those whom want to be really creative:

You can buy the welded D-rings at Tandy …

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Does the class cover using it effectively?


doubt we could have that class here. maybe TCMaker but dms?! nah.

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Stranded wire would be much more flexible.

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not that cheaply.

maybe, but can one make a patch cable with it too?

Ugh, when did copper clad aluminum weasel it’s way into cat 5 cable?

Yeah, patch cables should be stranded cat 5, not solid, which really should be permanent installs, and not CCA. Thoug maybe the torture of finding the intermittent fault is part of the gift that keeps on giving here.


Thoug maybe the torture of finding the intermittent fault is part of the gift that keeps on giving here.

yes, I think someone became a grand bastard for that dastardly one.

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Yes. The ends you had listed said solid or stranded cable.

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Class has been scheduled: Events |Dallas Makerspace Calendar

It is highly encouraged to donate a few funds to the VCC committee for supplies and class time.

Registration is closed… wants a pink one

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Give it a few few days for the calendar guys to review.

Also, since yours is custom. I’ll be working on yours this weekend when the cables come in.

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