Class oddness -- I'm confused

So. We’ve got a class out there for the Dynatorch. It’s said Full since the beginning, but it’s not the bold that means the Calendar reached Full. Is this a special train-the-trainer class?

could be a class of one used to reserve the machine.

My wife and I are taking the Dynatorch class Sunday the 15th. If that’s the one you are talking about, maybe it just filled fast.

I tried to register and it said approval required. The system didn’t think it was full.

It’s a trick for making a Wait-list. The class is set for no limit on students, but approval required. They only approve the first X number or students, but if people cancel they can just approve one of the non-approved students. The FULL indication was added by the instructor.


It did look like that was part of the title, not something added by the system.

Yeah – that was what it looked like to me. Full, but not the bold that the system adds when it’s really full.

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