Class idea: Tastings - learn what you really like

A couple of years ago, I brought a vast array of Louisiana hot sauces and chips to DMS for a group tasting session. Many of us learned we didn’t like the ones we typically assumed we would, and discovered new brands and styles which were preferable.

Since we live in a bewildering world of information overload and advertising, it can be confusing to know what we actually like. Is it the brand, or the shape of the bottle, or the image, or something else which influences us? Turns out these secondary factors are often more influential than our own senses in the decision-making process. Which is totally backwards as to how it should be.

Would you like to challenge your established belief matrix and come to a truer understanding of what makes you tick on a gastronomic level? We could do this using a blind tasting format with any number of consumables… condiments, drinks, chocolates, seasonings, you name it.

Doing this as a group decreases the cost and is much more fun to rate and deconstruct the marketing and hype together while sharing opinions.

Sound like fun?


I was thinking of asking @nightranger if he wanted to consider a science of taste workshop. What creates the five tastes, where they hit the palate, how acid cooks fish, stuff like that.

So yes, interesting to consider, tasting all the things.

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We’d be happy to reimburse supplies and advertise for Nick as he likes

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