Civic Hacking Committee Meeting - 10/12/15, 7:00 PM

Hi everyone,

Please join us for the next Civic Hacking Committee Meeting on Columbus Day. If you’re like me and work at a bank, you get this day off :wink: so I hope to be working on projects during a good chunk of the day at DMS anyway.

Our tentative agenda:

  • Elect someone as committee chair. I will be announcing my intent to run for this position.
  • Follow this tentative agenda, assuming I still have my way afterward :stuck_out_tongue: :
  • Discuss some interesting news articles I’ve had open in my browser for a while
  • Talk about the Makers’ Markers map and potentially other maps we want to do
  • Think of another cool project to work on

My platform in a nutshell: Continue to bring developers, map & GIS enthusiasts, and people who strive to fulfill a need in their community to DMS for events and trainings, and develop useful projects that highlight our skills and our value to the community.

See you there,

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