Chitubox question

Is it possible to create a raft in Chitubox without also creating supports?

I have some real tiny parts that most likely won’t adhere to the platform without a raft but they’re flat on the bottom and don’t need supports.

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I dont think you can, but you can reduce the density of the supports and you can manually remove supports.

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In that case, I suppose I could model the parts with a “raft” as part of it. Thanks.

This seems to work for me:

Under the supports tab, go to Raft, set Raft Shape to Skate, then under Auto Support set Minimum Length to 200mm. Your auto generation should create the raft, but not create any supports.


Do you mean Z Lift Height or is there somewhere else that sets “Minimum Length”? Because when I set Z lift Height to 200mm I don’t think I got what I was expecting …

Z Lift should be 0, Minimum Length is under the Auto Support section:

Ah, now I see why I was confused. Unfortunately, I don’t have that option.
