Is there anyone out there who has experience with at home PCB etching? Do we have authorization to do such chemistry in Science or Electronics? Also as a novice to etching is there anyone experienced in the processes that would act as a mentor? I am looking to use Cu2Cl and HCl as it can be indefinitely recycled through reoxyginating
Be careful with acids. Not recommended at home if you are a novice. HCI is stomach acid. It is an acid and much less scary than sulfuric or nitric acid.
You will have to talk to the Science Committee about using the fume hood.
There are people who have etched boards.
We did acid etching (copper/brass) in jewelry and small metals, and I think it’s similar/same as stuff for your project (I know that acid for PCB boards is used for jewelry sometimes, just dunno if that’s what we used that particular time)
We mainly used gloves, had a rinse bath that neutralized the remaining acid. Did it on an open table. It wasn’t complicated.
Maybe @nausser915 can provide more detail
yes i have used FeCL2 to etch pcb boards
Ferric Chloride is used in Jewelry to etch copper It is not a real strong acid but it will stain easily
I have used it at home with not issues other thant spilling it on clothing
Chemical disposal is an issue. We do not have a way to dispose of any chemicals at the space. You will have to remove them to dispose of them.
The method the OP was talking about refreshes or recycles the solution by bubbling Oxygen through it. No disposal necessary.
I didn’t necessarily mean per batch. Unless Science envisions a permanent plating setup there will ultimately be disposal or repurposing required.
I imagine board etching living in Electronics and plating being in Science. Either way they should not be a fishtank of chemicals sitting on a table unprotected.
Take a look at this thread: Self-replenishing alternative to Ferric Chloride for etching PCB's
And this post: Waste recovery from spent PCB etchant - #2 by mstovenour
I’d be happy to help out if you get permission to use the fume hood. I have some of the enchant if you just want to try it before making some of your own.