Changes to 3d fab printers!

as most of you know 3d fab has gone under a little…change. we are not changing the name of 3d fab or anything- we are just changing the pi’s over from Banana to Raspberry. as much as it pains me to say it this is not an overnight thing. you may notice the printers not working from time to time. we are trying but we are tired.

we still have a ways to go but as it stands only lefty and righty are with new pi’s that need to be connected to the network (yet again we’ve been at this for nearly 8 hours now- we needs sleeeeeeps.)

i thank you for your patience. till they are ready you can find lefty and righty by typing in the IP address above on their respective cards.

lefty :

(was going to print and post this above the printers but the paper printers broke)

again thank you
we ARE trying to make this better for you guys.



I have all of the polyprinter octoprint servers on the network.

I’m waiting on Brooks to work my tickets for IP address reservations so we can address them.

Another thing to note, these have no access control, meaning anyone can access Octoprint to control the printers. I don’t know how to only make the 3D Fab computers talk to them, I just defaulted them to working condition. We need Access Control on Octoprint to prevent malicious 3D printing without watching the printers.

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Create an account for each 3d fab computer, then when logging in, check the box to remember that computer. Until the raspberry pi restarts, this will create a cookie that will work to make the computer login automatically.

If you open a 3d printer page on a computer that has a login and it doesn’t automatically login, just refresh.

I don’t know how to make the login stay between restarts.

Why the change to Raspberry Pi? Just curious.

The Banana Pi’s had a image built for them by William and Sean (who moved away), we didn’t have upgraded or standard OctoPrint images. Also we’ve had a lot of problems with serial disconnect and OctoPrint being unresponsive, usually requiring us to constantly have to restart the PI’s. I am thinking that using a standard image for OctoPrint and keeping them updated with stable builds would help solve stability issues.

The main thing is since it’s a standard version on octoprint on the pi 3, we should be able to use the monitoring and login plugin that UTA fab lab uses to control their PolyPrinters on Octoprint.

I am still figuring out the cameras because I would like to get those back to operational, since we could have people monitor their prints easier on campus.