Every 6 months, Committees need to meet to elect a Chair. These are due soon, perhaps for the next board meeting?
Here is my very informal list of committees and state of elections. Data puled from the wiki for chairs and meetings from the Calendar and Talk. I’ll link if possible:
3D Fab: Axenos Re-Elected
Aerospace: Daniel Illing
Automotive: Chair Tom Tansey Re-Elected
Blacksmithing: Chair: John Haskins
Civic Hacking: Chair Stephen Wylie Re-Elected
Classroom: john a. gorman Elected
Competitive Robotics: Chair Frank Lima
Creative Arts: Chair Devin Burnett Re-Elected
Digital Media: Coulson Mullen Elected
Electronics Robotics: Chair Art Givens Re-Elected
Finance: Chair Ken Purcell Re-Elected
Fired Arts: Christy Cooper Elected
Hatchers: Chair Steve Martin @thatguy Re-Elected
Infrastructure: Chair Stan Simmons Re-Elected
Jewelry/Small Metals: Chair Joseph Lahoud @nausser915 Re-Elected
Laser: Chair Merissa Green Re-Elected
Logistics: Chair Luke Strickland. Confirmed Sept 2017
Machine Shop: Chair Nick Silva. Re-Elected
Metal Shop: Chair Chuck Graf Re-Elected
MotorSports: Chair Chuck Graf Re-Elected
Public Relations: Steve Blanchard Elected
Science: Chair Brian Terry. Confirmed Sept 2017
VECTOR: Chair Chuck Baber @dr_cee Elected
Vintage Computer: Dwight Spencer Re-Elected
Woodshop: Chair Andrew Zalaket. Re-Elected Sept 2017.
Edited to add responses 2017.10.11 7:15pm
Edited to add responses 2017.10.11 10:23pm
Edited to add responses 2017.10.13 12:12am
Edited to add 3D Fab candidates & Stan Simmons as Infrastructure Chair. 2017.10.14 2:18 am
Edited to add link to Classroom meeting 2017.10.14 6:54am
Edited to add Vector and Jewelry elections. 2017.10.14 15:38
Edited to add Civic Hacking 2017.10.14 22:27
ETA some links, dates and elections 2017.10.15 03:05