Chairperson Elections Fall 2017

Every 6 months, Committees need to meet to elect a Chair. These are due soon, perhaps for the next board meeting?

Here is my very informal list of committees and state of elections. Data puled from the wiki for chairs and meetings from the Calendar and Talk. I’ll link if possible:

  1. 3D Fab: Axenos Re-Elected

  2. Aerospace: Daniel Illing

  3. Automotive: Chair Tom Tansey Re-Elected

  4. Blacksmithing: Chair: John Haskins

  5. Civic Hacking: Chair Stephen Wylie Re-Elected

  6. Classroom: john a. gorman Elected

  7. Competitive Robotics: Chair Frank Lima

  8. Creative Arts: Chair Devin Burnett Re-Elected

  9. Digital Media: Coulson Mullen Elected

  10. Electronics Robotics: Chair Art Givens Re-Elected

  11. Finance: Chair Ken Purcell Re-Elected

  12. Fired Arts: Christy Cooper Elected

  13. Hatchers: Chair Steve Martin @thatguy Re-Elected

  14. Infrastructure: Chair Stan Simmons Re-Elected

  15. Jewelry/Small Metals: Chair Joseph Lahoud @nausser915 Re-Elected

  16. Laser: Chair Merissa Green Re-Elected

  17. Logistics: Chair Luke Strickland. Confirmed Sept 2017

  18. Machine Shop: Chair Nick Silva. Re-Elected

  19. Metal Shop: Chair Chuck Graf Re-Elected

  20. MotorSports: Chair Chuck Graf Re-Elected

  21. Public Relations: Steve Blanchard Elected

  22. Science: Chair Brian Terry. Confirmed Sept 2017

  23. VECTOR: Chair Chuck Baber @dr_cee Elected

  24. Vintage Computer: Dwight Spencer Re-Elected

  25. Woodshop: Chair Andrew Zalaket. Re-Elected Sept 2017.

Edited to add responses 2017.10.11 7:15pm
Edited to add responses 2017.10.11 10:23pm
Edited to add responses 2017.10.13 12:12am
Edited to add 3D Fab candidates & Stan Simmons as Infrastructure Chair. 2017.10.14 2:18 am
Edited to add link to Classroom meeting 2017.10.14 6:54am
Edited to add Vector and Jewelry elections. 2017.10.14 15:38
Edited to add Civic Hacking 2017.10.14 22:27
ETA some links, dates and elections 2017.10.15 03:05


JSM is meeting Fri night
Fired Arts is meeting on Tues
CA is Mon

I think there is an announced candidate for Fired Arts


Of the 25 committees listed as active in the wiki:

Elections complete: 3. Logistics, Science, and Woodshop.

Elections posted on calendar: 5. 2 this Friday.

Committees needing to post elections: 17

I’m the current committee chair for Hatcher’s… and we voted already… I’m the future chair for Hatcher’s…

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3D Fabs committee Saturday the 21st

@Team_Moderators pin this up for all to see please and thank you

Machine shop voted on 9/14. Nick Silva remains as the Chair.


October 4th was the meeting. Chuck Graf unanimously re-elected.


I think “elected” is a euphemism for “Committee didn’t grant parole”


I am running for .CA Chair again.


Motorsports committee voted me chair. Again…


Your empire grows … first Metal Shop …now Motor Sports … what’s next?

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I’m running for Fired Arts.


Pre-election polls show that there is still strong support for myself heading up Vintage Computer Committee as chairman. We’ll get a meeting on the calendar to give the membership a chance to speak in public outside of online channels and ratify the vote with committee members.

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Hi longtime friend!!! So glad to see you here at the Makerspace!

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Doug! I saw your name on a galley bin when Jason (Middleton) and I joined and we thought it might be you. DMS definitely has niche interest cross pollination, it’s awesome. So good to see another friendly face around!


Machine shop has already voted. Your stuck with me.


I just wanted to verify, and figured this would be the best place for it. You do not need voting rights to vote in the Chairperson Elections, correct?

You are correct. You do not need voting rights for the Chair elections.