Ceramics kiln news - October 2020

Ooh, I want to know what glazes/layers were done on that last one. Whoever’s that is, did you write it down? Lovely!

I think it may be mine, if so I do write them down and will let you know :grinning:

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So either I’m missing seeing some pieces or they did the top half of your butter dish and the bottom half of mine. Was your bottom half waiting to be fired? I don’t see my top half and I don’t see your bottom half. :thinking: Our butter dishes are pretty useless then until the next glaze firing. :roll_eyes:


Useless is kind of a strong word. You can use plastic wrap or wax paper to cover your butter. Usually both pieces are fired in the same kiln so…hold tight, tiger. And if they’re not, rest assured the kiln team will get to it soon.


No worries! My butter dish isn’t a gift or anything so there is no rush from me!


Sorry not mine and at closer inspection I think it is one of our members who drops off and picks up things for the kiln and doesn’t go on talk :frowning:

It was me being sarcastic…hence the :joy:.


I think that’s my mug :slight_smile: if so, it’s obsidian on the inside and top half, then Spectrum’s autumn purple on the outside. Shame that it ran so much though.


Beautiful mug Amy!

Well done!!

Cone 5 is free come and get 'em


Ooo, fancy schmansy!
Sounds like there is interest in doing a slow cool firing in December.


I’d love to do a slow cool glaze. Willing to share my two glazes with anyone who’d like to try them. I have coyote slow cool series autumn spice and coyote constellation series Orion mbg174.


Thought the difference was interesting. Clay bodies- lantern is stoneware porcelain slip blend from trinity, the coasters are Cinco blanco. Note that on the coasters, the pink/orangy parts that you see are mayco light flux.
I’d love to do more cone 5 firings.


Been thinking about suggesting slow cool for a while, many “standard” glazes will also take on a different appearance when given time for crystals to develop. Saw an article online in “Ceramic Arts Network” about slow cooling that’s worth a read. I expect many of the “Potters Choice” line will be a bit different not to mention the ones you mentioned specifically designed for such a firing.


I can help load. Should we plan on a slow cool kiln load for late November or early December? @Monikat and @Anette_Henningson


I think November is luster and I don’t know about December yet. I’d be ok with December if everyone else is. Will have to make a program for the kiln, best option is skutt 1222 in my opinion.


Yes, November is luster, can take a vote on December firing next committee meeting.


Bisque unloaded and shelves are packed. Come and get your stuff!!


Adventurines do good with slow cool to develope the crystals that look like glitter. Clayscapes in NY have some nice dip Adventurines. But they not cheap.

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