Ceramics Kiln News - March 2020

Not really reasonable. I mean, most of us are still coming in and doing things.

Although, if a person would think of self-quarantining themselves, that person certainly shouldn’t be bringing new stuff in.

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At least you and I are thinking straight

Firings are on hold for now…

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I was at the space on Sunday, 3/15 and took some of my bisqued pieces (geometric, slab built) off the shelves with the intention of taking them home. I set them on the concrete wedging table in the corner next to the cabinet. I will be back this week to pick them up but if anyone needs the space, feel free to move them back to bisque shelves. My mistake, sorry everyone for taking up valuable table space.

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You’ll want to get them tomorrow/Tuesday if you want to take them home


I moved them to the bisque shelf for you, wanted them to be safe.

Kilns are empty and unplugged. Bisque is out
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Thank you and all the other volunteers who tirelessly loaded and unloaded kilns. Y’all are the best!