Here are some test fires of a few of the ‘special effects’ glazes for the upcoming (full) Dip Glaze class. Wanted to put them up in advance so those signed up can start groovy ideas percolating around in their heads.
Reticulated White:
w/blue underglaze applied to greenware, bisqued, then glazed
Big thanks to those who took a dip in my questionable glazes to help test. If y’all have other photos handy, please share! @JBluJkt, @Liamluu, @Monikat
Except in the pic it looks like that speckle might be more reddish, whereas Art Deco Green has more of a gray/black speckle.
Although – while the PC’s are supposed to be copying Cone 10 glazes, it’s possible that Art Deco Green is a didn’t-quite-make-it copy of a Strontium glaze…
For instance, I think that Indigo Float hit the creamy blue of rutile MUCH better than Blue Rutile. However, rutile doesn’t do that green break, so they had to name it something else.