Ceramics Committee Meeting 4.1.2020

Hi all,

This months Committee meeting will be virtual, call in. I have updated the event description with the phone number for call in. The outline of the agenda is listed below and can also be found under Monthly Committee Meeting Minutes on the Ceramics Committee page Category:Ceramics - Dallas Makerspace

This will be a new process for all of us, so let’s see how it works :slight_smile:

April DMS Ceramics Committee Meeting
Virtual through Google Meets
Wednesday, 2020.04.01 6:30pm

1. Introduction
Virtual Sign In/Roll call

2. Any old business needing to be addressed?
Velvet Underglazes purchased and put on shelves
Clear and White glaze on hold for now

3. Discuss Chair Vote for May Meeting
Candidates should announce and say a few words

4. Expansion
Jacob working on update
Electrical map provided to Rich based on last meeting discussion

5. Equipment Purchases
1027 elements have been purchased
Paragon - elements replacement?

6. Classes/Teachers
Classes for after Closure?
Who needs the Committee Syllabus?

7. Kiln and Space Maintenance Day
Scheduled for 4/19
Purchase new diamond dremel bit and grinding wheel on hold for now

8. Any proposed topics to discuss not on the agenda?

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Here are updates from the Expansion Group.

  1. Expansion:
    The electricians are wiring the new Expansion area while DMS is shutdown. The electrical map that was provided by your Committee is being implemented by the electricians. All 4 of your new kiln locations will be wired for a direct plug in of your current equipment. We will have the ability to easily upgrade to 208 Volt 50 Amp 3 Phase electrical power at any of the kiln locations by just changing the electrical outlet. Construction of a common ventilation system for Ceramics, Jewelry, and Glassmaking is in process with the exhaust fan installed on the roof to minimize noise. Cannot get building permits to add the roof top system, the City offices are closed. The metal duct work and new vent hoods are in house and will be installed by volunteers.

  2. Equipment Purchases:
    When you plan to upgrade the elements in the kilns you may want to consider re-wiring the kiln for 3 phase power. If your plans are to purchase a new kiln, strongly suggest it use 208 Volt 50 Amp 3 phase power. Get back with me if you need assistance.


Thank you Rich!

Thank you to @Krisk, @Synth83, @Anette_Henningson, @Pcperk for joining our committee call this evening.

All, I will have the notes posted before the weekend is up.

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