Hey there! I’m a new member of the DMS as of a few weeks ago and am eager to meet you all and start learning all there is about ceramics! My excitement has overcome my patience and I was wondering if anyone knew of upcoming wheel throwing classes or handbuilding classes I should be on the look out for, or if anyone would be willing to show me a thing or two one-on-one (at their convenience). Thanks so much!
New classes are always popping up so be sure to keep your eyes on the calendar! We talked about classes at the committee meeting last night and I know there are going to be an assortment posting soon for the latter half of September/October.
If you would like to get a head start on throwing (I would still recommend taking classes from other instructors, everyone has a different approach and interesting techniques), I’d be happy to meet up with you to go through the basics. You can send me a message here or my email address is the same id at gmail.com to work out a good time.
I also just submitted a yarn bowl class for September 12 (will appear on the calendar in 72 hours) that will be covering altering (carving) a leatherhard ceramic piece. Folks can either bring their own pieces or purchase a bowl blank for $5.
Welcome! I’m on the new side too and looking forward to classes with you!
I will do my best to submit a modern fossil pendent class tomorrow
Awesome, I will definitely keep my eyes on the calendar. Thank you! I would love a head start if you have the time? I’m available any time Wednesdays or Thursdays
I’ll give you an assortment of times to choose from! Plan on 2-3 hours, wear something that you can get dirty in, consider an apron and I always recommend short fingernails. Some people learn how to throw with nails but it’s tricky.
Wednesday 10AM or 1PM or 6PM
Thursday 10AM or 6PM
Wednesday at 1pm sounds perfect! Thank you so much!
Awesome, see you then!
Hi! I’m not sure if you’ll see this in time but I just wanted to let you know I may be a few minutes late today. I’m so sorry. Left my wallet at home and had to turn back. Duh. I’ll be there asap.