Car left in auto stall

To whomever left their auto and a mess in the stall, that is unacceptable. Remove your car immediately.

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It looks like they have an engine skirt gasket, when maybe they were trying to replace the lower pan gasket. That car isn’t moving under its own power without destroying the engine. They absolutely should have cleaned up, and more importantly, they would have both communicated and left a note that they were off chasing the correct part, and when they expected to return, along with a contact number.

While there has been chatter about winches, or other ways to bring unpowered vehicles in, as it is, there is a challenge if you want to have vehicles that can’t move under their own power moved out while parts are chased, but also can’t let them be finished in the parking lot either.


Apologies. That was me. AutoZone sent me the wrong gasket for the oil pan, so I was going to advance Auto parts which said they have the correct gasket, they did not. Thus launched a 3-hour journey where i tried to find anywhere that had it. Family managed to get something that should work, and it should be gone in about an hour period I will need to leave it in the parking lot overnight while the new gasket seal cures though


In the future, the best practice is to leave a note with some sort of identifying information (name/phone number/etc) and the time you left, and take a few minutes to clean and consolidate or put up the tools you were using.

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