Cannot find personal folder on jump drive using Remote Desktop on my Mac

I can log onto the jump server through Microsoft Remote Desktop and see the programs, and save files I create on the jump server but I cannot locate my personal folder in order to drag and drop files from my Mac to the jump server. Is there somewhere else I should go to find the personal folder?

@Team_Infrastructure Sorry in advance if this is the wrong tag


Can you see the members drive?

It’s not unheard of that someone accidentally dragged & dropped the folder into another members drive.

A post was split to a new topic: Member Drives and Fusion Login

I assume you created a personal folder on the Members Drive (that doesn’t happen automatically - you have to create one yourself).

I did a search on the Members Drive for folders with “collin” in them. There are several but I don’t think any are yours…

A similar search for “rhoades” had zero matches.

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I am unclear whether you mean your folder on the Members store @ DMS ( \\files\members) or if you mean the “mapped” folder that appears on the clients when configured to so do.
For the former, here is some more info
As stated prior, you’ll be creating this yourself, it is TEMPORARY, 0777 perms mean anyone can manipulate it (including delete, which occasionally accidentally happens), and is accessible on the mapped M: drive (or UNC as shown).
For the latter, here is some further elucidation. If this is what you’re asking about, it will be whereever in the file system you designated when configured.

Without a Mac client at-hand to double-check, I can’t be certain, but to my recollection, you can do this to/from any file/directory (you have permissions for) on either system. If drag-n-drop doesn’t work, try copy/paste. They’re nominally the same, but sometimes one seems to work while the other does not.

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So I can login to using Microsoft Remote Desktop. I can save to a file there called Collin Rhoades see screen capture below.

I have managed using Chrome on the Microsoft Remote Desktop to access [\files\members](smb://files/members/) but cannot figure out how to add my folder here. See screen cap

Any suggestions for how to do that would be greatly appreciated.


Hit “This PC” on the left; if it does not show the member share, the open This PC outside of a save prompt, then in the top bar enter \\files\members to force it to mount.

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Use “Windows Explorer”, instead. This is the default file browser supplied by Microsoft (kind of like Mac’s “Finder”). This is the program invoked using Tails’ method above (double click on “My PC”), and will work much better than Chrome for file system operations. :+1:

For clarification, you did have a folder on the members drive?

I cant find your name in the members drive

Thanks for the help

No I had not I was told or assumed they were already there. But now I have one so all is good. Thanks for looking for me.