The creative arts garage sale brought in somewhere around $800ish. It was a combination of clean-out and purge and member contributions that allowed this to happen. It was talked about a month before hand and put together in about two weeks respectively. By my estimate it was a very successful one day pop up sale and we gained some space and some committee money.
Do we have the ability to independently purge areas and come together on a date? Let’s say October - could it happen? I double dog dare you to make it happen.
Donations, cleanout, scrubdown, purge and get ready for new life. With a new outlook with a bit of extra cash in the committee coffers.
Makerspace is looking like it could use some scrubbing behind the ears. Money is a beautiful motivator. We could organize with color stickers and some really ocd garage sale management. I would be willing to create a team to strong arm this into happening if I could get some buyin by the chairs.
Tentative reserved date for DMS garage sale:
October 12th 8am-3pm
Old CA room, lecture hall, interactive classroom have all been booked.
Donation drop off:
October 12th 6-8am
Prices will be organized by each committee, everything will be labeled with a price, every committee will have a colored sticker or tape to write the price off. Anything not labeled with a sticker or price will be sold and put into a slush fund to be divided up between committees.
Unless they’re here for a class, nonmembers shouldn’t be loose in the bldg.
Isn’t there something about this in our rules, etc.?
So picture something missing from your committee area and you spend a lot of time checking the video only to find the culprit is not a member. Good luck in filing charges and getting your stuff back.
I have it in the old creative arts, interactive and the lecture hall only.
I get it but it’s not like the entire building would be open to the public.
I have no blood in this game, if the interest level isn’t high enough I don’t have the energy to generate it for everyone to pull this off, I can easily pull it off the calendar. I’m not anywhere close to being involved at DMS so it’s harder to direct interest towards something.
That will probably be ok.
No direct access to 102 side and there will probably people the new CA area to keep an eye on things.
Could be an opportunity for our tour guides.