Can you guys post a link as a stick to donate money to automotive

I totally took some paper towels this morning…I’d like to do right by automotive.

You used some paper towels, or you took a roll of paper towels outside of the premises?

Either way @Team_Logistics buys paper towels, not Automotive. That is unless auto has started buying the shop towels!

Luke, you know me better than that. In case you can’t put a face to the name, we TIG’d that muffler for a guy a while back. I likely consumed, not ate, 10-20 paper towel segments from the roll on the side of the tool box.

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Regardless of all that, I’m reading your title as a desire to have a way to donate funds to automotive’s bank account using an online method, which I think you would like to have “stickied” somewhere on TALK.
There are a few problems with that, but the big one is, as far as I know, we HAVE no way to donate directly to Automotive using an online payment method. In fact, we have no way to do that for ANY committee, as far as I know, now that we have cut ties to PayPal. There is discussion about leveraging our on-site square kiosk methodologies to allow it, but at this moment, nothing doing. So, just hang on to your guilt, and hand Tom @TLAR a finster next time you see him. He’ll know what to do with it…

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You can put cash in an envelope marked Automotive and drop it in the Finance Box next to the printer. It will get applied to the Automotive budget.

The shop paper cloth roll in automotive is purchased from the Automotive budget. Wypall X50 Disposable Cloths (35015), Strong for Extended Use, Jumbo Roll, White, 1,100 Sheets / Roll : Health & Household ~$40/roll



The rolled paper towels are funded by automotive NOT logistics.

I think the folded towels in the dispenser at the end of the metal shelves are provided by those wonderful folks in logistics.

I thought you stopped providing towels when the paper towel roller holder was removed…

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Charles installed the new paper towel holder the green tool tox last night. It was once of many things he helped me with in automotive (for the clean up for open house) for thanking me for helping him with his car.