Can we use Simplify3D with the Poly Printers?

I bought my own copy of Simplify 3D. Is it OK to use this to generate a gcode file for the maker space Poly Printers?


I would very much like to, I have had much better work with Simplify3d than with kissliscer and simplify3d is more customizable to each user, its one of the things I would like to change if elected to 3d Fab chair.

So that’s a “no, not currently”? I’m curious now as well, if Simplify works better than kisslicer I’d like to try it because I need any advantage I can get when trying to print stuff to make up for the “user sucks at this” factor haha

Is it OK to use it to produce the gcode file from our own computers? We are allowed to use KISSlice (or so I have been told) from our own machines, which I suppose introduces a certain amount of risk - wrong settings, etc are possible, so would it be OK to use other slicing software from our own computers?

Yes, there’s an FFF profile for Simplify3D under the committee share drive (\files\committees\3Dfab) you can import. It’s the last one I got from Polyprinter that works.