Can we upgrade our version of Silhouette Studio?

The version that is currently on the computer in CA is Silhouette Studio Basics. This version does not allow for importing of SVGs, layering, or a number of other extremely useful features. A full comparison chart can be found here.

As some of you know, I have been teaching classes lately on the Silhouette Cameo, and I’ve gotten a fairly positive response about the use of the machine.


That software cost is very reasonable. The two most expensive packages for all capabilities is only $148. If it a a one time fee then very reasonable. Run it by the CA committee and buy it.

When you do it, get with Stan. Be sure registered in DMS name.

It looks like there is already a DMS account set up for it (I’m pretty sure you have to create a Silhouette account to set up the machine).

Then it’s a committee decision at this point.

If you can get committee approval before the end of the month, code JUNEDEALS works on license keys and would make the $99 Business version only $79 :slight_smile:


The actual rule is the committee has to approve purchases over $500. The chair can approve lessor amounts, anything $200 or more requires the chair approval.

So get chair’s approval and go for it. You can get quick discussion by the committee on @team_creative arts


Tagging: @Team_Creative_Arts ?

This sends a PM to everyone on the CA distribution including the Chair.

Machine Shop uses @ Team_Machine_Shop a lot when discussing small purchases, usually under $200 and above $200 because chair must sign. It keeps the committee members informed and involved. Many times alternative solutions or equipment is proposed or suggest to delay - this wouldn’t be the case in machine operating software.

Key point is: Committee members, e.g those active in the management of the committee affairs are aware, especially the chair.

I see the value in having the better version. That was one of my first purchases when I bought my Silhouette several years ago.


I think it would be a good purchase. You have my vote!

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Please also get Stan’s opinion on which computer it should be installed on. This will depend on its login protocol. If it is a single seat license, it will probably have to be installed on the one computer that does not allow login.

From first post of mine.

When you do it, get with Stan. Be sure registered in DMS name.