Can we make beach glass

Do we have the necessary equipment to make beach glass? All of the DIY tutorials I’ve seen require a rock tumbler. Has anyone tried to do this before (hopefully enough to host a class)?

Sound like fun! unfortunately GlassWorks does not have a tumbler at this time. I believe the jewelry department has one. I don’t know what they allow, or don’t allow to be tumbled.

My kids and I did years ago when they had a rock tumbler. We busted up some wine bottles. Probably didn’t tumble them long enough or maybe needed to go longer with bigger pebbles, as our “beach glass” just looked like frosted pieces of slightly less jagged broken glass. It was still fun though :smiley:

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The solution is a cement mixer and a sound proof room. I had a friend maker a ton to cover his garden. He said it was so noisy that he had to tent the cement mixer in moving blanket and hide it in his garage to keep the neighbors from complaining about the noise. But, he was making a bunch.

You can do it in a rock tumbler, it is very noisy and it takes several dayd

We don t have the needed grits and I am not sure that JSM would want to use theirs for this
I have a tumbler, I would need to find all the parts for it, and I believe that HF has the needed grits

We would need to figure out a place to put it so doesnt make folks scram from the noisy
I will ask around as I look for all the parts to my tumbler

That sounds amazing!


At first thought, I thought you wanted to make glass out of beach sand. Not the weathered/smoothed glass you could find on the beach.


He used blu glass on top white quartz gravel. Looked amazing when he was done.

I’ve got a professional tumbler. I can loan it to glass.


That will be great Kris!

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Would like to do something similar but with some glow rocks mixed into the top layer of blue glass.

40 AM

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Lewisvillians let’s unite to make this happen.

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I think that is why he put quartz gravel under the glass, because under UV light it gives a faint glow in the blue to green spectrum.

A US source that actually specs the amount of light output:

The overseas stuff seems weak if not just an outright ripoff per the reviews.

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It seems like this needs its own thread, but… what’s the upkeep on something like this consist of? I’ve always liked the “rock garden”/gravel drive/pathways kind of thing, but I often see them with weeds growing out of the rocks, debris/trash piling up, etc. They look GREAT in pictures and on TV, but I just wonder what goes into keeping such a thing looking good if I’m the one doing it…

The trick is laying new gravel them taking the picture.


Underlay with heavy-duty black landscape plastic. You also might do a full weed kill before you put it down. Nut-grass will punch through just about anything. You’ll still get some weeds – as soon as some dirt builds up, they’ll sprout, but nothing coming through from deep underneath.


So will Johnson grass When the dog training club built it s building we had a blacktop floor laid dow
Cheaper than cement and better footing There was as least once that we laughed that we ming need to mow the floor of the building