Hey Guys and Gals,
I was wondering if any of the forum gurus out there knew if we could make our own set of Emoji for the forum? I would like to add a “googly eyed Nick”, a “JohnK 3D Printed Head”, a “Blame Pearce” and other fun memes we have with in our group. I haven’t checked the discourse site yet, but I’ll probably give it a look this evening. If you already know and could send me to the right thread to see how, I would like to make a few new emoji for the forum. Also animated Emoji would be fun as well.
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It supports standard emjoi. Not sure about custom emjoi.
My favorite:
Hmmm, looks like custom emoji can be added by an administrator.
Polyprinter Z nozzle crash
Multicam spoil board destroyed again
Monthly project storage purge
Vehicle sudden fluid loss
Laser cutter emergency stop
Sawstop cartridge triggering
I see potential here…
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Dare I say? Chronic ping pong table irritation.
Definitely need an “UnExcellent” button next “Heart” button.
Need more polls too…
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Can we vote on a poll emoji?
Thanks for the info, I’ll see what i can try and make.