Can we have an "official" blessing of taking pingpong table?

@Nick @Team_Creative_Arts
Can we officially take the ping pong table to make it into a cutting table for the sewing room? Just want to make sure we have proper communication.

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As the Ping Pong table is owned by the DMS, I can not give you “Official Blessing”. But, I can and do give you my symbolic approval to take ownership of the table and convert it to a cutting table for DMS. I think that is what you are asking for by tagging me in this, as I was the member that worked to bring the table into DMS with the support of other members in funding the table.

I would suggest adding a request on the up coming board meeting, requesting the Ping Pong Table be allocated to Creative Arts to cover any possible claim in the future by those that used the table in the past. I do not believe anyone currently uses the table on a regular basis. So, it should be easy enough to allocate.

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Ok, sorry I thought you were the owner of it. will do.

I’m not certain what committee that would be under but I would guess @Team_Education @talkers

@uglyknees I believe you added your BoD agenda item to the wrong meeting
has already happened …

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I’ve had a really tough morning. Completely, absolutely, scattered today. I’ll get it fixed, thanks.


Symbolically, I definitely served as the owner. As I received the complaints and blame for the table, as well as purchased it with funds raised for it. To my knowledge it is not officially owned by any committee as we did not use any committee funds to purchase it. Rather, I gathered funds directly from members and made the purchase. I had approval at one point to store it in the class room. But, I don’t remember any point by which the classroom committee claimed ownership.

One of those grey area items that is really only an issue if someone wants to make it an issue. I personally think a BOD agenda item caries enough weight to clear all up and set a precedent for the table that can be easily followed.


Classroom Committee does not own the table; it just allowed it to be stored and used in the Interactive Classroom.

Several members donated money to buy it; they are the owners : Ping Pong Goal REACHED!


Can we play ping pong after cutting fabric?
Since it’s open anyway?

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Either Education or PR can take ownership.
Education for storage and play space.
PR for the community and joy aspect.
Def one to maintain it and keep it available.

The net needs to be fixed. I’ll order a new one.

I have been kinda waiting for the expansion to reintroduce the table and associated fun. We need more of this.