Can we buy this!

I’ve gone and seen this kiln myself it’s in pretty good condition and would be awesome at the space


Committee meeting is Tuesday. Umm – is that gas fired?

Yeah it’s gas

Not to put a damper on it, but the space doesn’t have enough natural gas available to run such a thing. We only have enough pressure to run HVAC :frowning:


No worries just checking thank you!


We could also use a tank outside and just run it that way

We most definitely could not run it off a tank outside. It uses a max of 420cfh an hour, most firings are 8-10 hours. Simple math tells us thats 3360 to 4200 cf of gas…No way

I have to admit, that kiln looks bigger than the gas kilns that potters run out at Scarborough. They get by with a big tank – bigger than the ones we’ve got with argon, etc.

edit – maybe about 1/2 to 3/4 of the large propane tank that one gets when one lives out in the country.