I’m trying to get trained on the CNC mill. I don’t see any classes up, so I was wondering if someone had contact for the training instructor of the CNC mill (or if someone just wanted to show me how to do it, if that’s allowed). I’m 19 and am familiar with cad software, so I would just need education on the equipment itself.
Do you mean the HAAS mill in the Machine Shop?
Or the Plasma Cutter in the Metal Shop?
the HAAS mill in the machine shop
The HAAS training assumes you already know CAD.
Please see this recent thread in the Machine Shop category - specifically posts 2 & 3.
Short answer: No.
Nick does the training, and he’s taking some time off from doing it. It’s a three part class. Knowing CAD is definitely a start, but you’ll have to learn CAM and proper machining techniques involved in setup.
Definitely not impossible, but not an evening thing either.
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