Can I Barrow a Van?

Yes. This is not your average trailer park firework brigade! The salutes @Lampy whipped up are incredible. I will definitely be coming more prepared to blow some things up next time! I have been watching many YouTubes in prep for the black powder shenanigans

I have some reasonably decent footage of the night show if you need it. Unfortunately the rocket boxes don’t quite translate :laughing:


Yeah, I’ll take the footage.
Upload it to:

10-4. I’ll find a child to show me how to get footage off the phone lol

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Amazing what a couple of simple chemicals can do. In the US we call them ground salutes and we shoot them on sticks or suspended from a frame to avoid throwing rocks or other debris. In Italian they are called Gabe Mort or dead head. The Italian version of “Good Night” in lancework.

Gabe Mort

Italian: slang for “dead head”.
A large (large i.e., one to forty pounds) sack of flash powder typically suspended from a gallows-type frame at head height. Exploded to create a deafening blast and concussion. Rarely seen in the US outside of pyrotechnic conventions such as the PGI convention. More common in Italy, Mexico and Spain’s Mascaletta’s(countries typically a little more liberal with firework laws), they are typically fired after the finale.

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I have to really thank @Nick for pulling off a great event! We both learned how much effort it is to pull off such a feat in only three months: site surveys, paperwork, dealing with County and State Fire Marshalls, getting State of Texas Display Permits, insurance, ordering products, getting lots of equipment to fire said product out off, handling security, registration, collecting member dues and event fees, teaching ad hoc classes, safety demonstrations for members, seeking donors, food/drinks/ice. I’m probably only covering 50% of the stuff we had to do. It’s massive work so that our club can have a little fun in a safe & legal manner.

Thanks to @MrsMoose for running registration for 12 hours so I could have a little pyro fun too. So glad that you got to participate too. Next year our Girandolas will scream to the sky!

We are looking next to have some classes for DMS & PAT members. Shoot us a note on items you would be interested in.