Hi ive heard i can get solidworks from makerspace. Any validity to this claim?
I believe our license has lapsed and that we are waiting for the next version to release in a few weeks.
2017? That’s so last year. We just got 2018!
“sorry you dont have access to that topic” ad infinitum.
Are you a DMS member?
I am and I also get that message
yes i am a member and registered on talk.
The post about SolidWorks is in an area of the forum restricted to DMS members. Let’s check if you two have the requisite badge. The badge looks like this…
I don’t see it.
I believe the badge is applied “by hand” (a script is run by a person; that script applies the DMS badge). Unfortunately, you now know everything I know. Maybe @StanSimmons can help get you two your DMS badge. If not, I suspect he can direct us to someone who can.
fusion360 is free and probably does what you need.