Can any one teach Hacking/Pentesting and other cyber security related skills

Could someone teach cyber security related skills (more of action than talking). May be couple of skills to start and then based on the traction from the members can go deep (darknet and stuff).

Again this is to do all LEGAL works :slight_smile:

We have a couple of makerspace members who are pentesters or work in security related IT.

We have in the past done something of a Capture the Flag of sorts.

There are also the 2600 meetups.

join in on the security+ prep courses, the 2600 meetings on the first Friday of the month and remember hacking is not infosec/cybercrime it’s about learning a system and making that work in ways it wasn’t intended I.e. maker things.

also volunteer with VCC so we can have a live CTF system online.

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Could you please provide me the link to the 2600 meetup group page…

There will likely be more activity on this thread, after they all get back from DefCon.

Sounds good…Cyber Security is in the top league of skills to acquire.

We don’t do meetup that’s close doors. But do check out our site at

And remember…


  1. We meet in a public area. Nobody is excluded. There is no admission charge or dues of any sort. It’s preferable to have meetings in as open a spot as possible rather than behind closed doors. This ensures that new people who don’t know about the meetings will be drawn in. We have nothing to hide and we don’t presume to judge who is worthy of attending and who is not. If law enforcement harasses us, it will backfire as it did at the infamous Washington DC meeting in 11/92. (You can find more information on this event in the Secret Service section of our web site.)

  2. We act in a responsible manner. We don’t do illegal things and we don’t cause problems for the place we’re meeting in. Most 2600 meetings are welcomed by the establishments we choose.

  3. We meet on the first Friday of the month between 5 pm and 8 pm local time. While there will always be people who can’t make this particular time, the same will hold true for any time or day chosen. By having all of the meetings on the same day, it makes it very easy to remember, opens up the possibility for inter-meeting communication, and really causes hell for the federal agencies who want to monitor everything we do. (A few meetings have slight variations on the meeting time - these are noted accordingly.)

  4. While meetings are not limited to big cities, most of them take place in large metropolitan areas that are easily accessible.While it’s convenient to have a meeting in your home town, we encourage people to go to meetings where they’ll meet people from as wide an area as possible. So if there’s a meeting within an hour or two of your town, go to that one rather than have two smaller meetings fairly close to each other. You always have the opportunity to get together with “home town hackers” any time you want.

  5. All meetings must contact us to let us know how things are going even if nothing unusual is happening. If we don’t hear from your city on a regular basis, we’ll have to stop publicizing the site since telling people to go to where no meeting is really doesn’t do anyone a service. You can email us at [email protected] or call us at (631) 751-2600. Please be sure to tell us which meeting you’re writing about as we don’t automatically know which one you’re referring to.

Anyone can have meetings and set whatever rules they wish. However, if they’re going to be affiliated with 2600, we ask that these few guidelines be observed. Thanks.

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That and after we spend some time with DHA. Plus get a live FBCTF challenge site up.

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