CAM class for the Shapeoko 3 incoming

Watch the calendar for a class in CAM programming for the Shapeoko 3 in the plastics shop. The class is on Wednesday October 25 from 7-9 and will be in the lecture hall. It is set for 10 people, but I can accommodate a few more if you reach out via IM. This is not machine-side training, but is an introduction to CAM programming for that machine using Carbude Create and to the CAM process in general. This time I will also include a brief introduction to Easel and V-Carve, additional CAM resources to consider for the the Shapeoko, the New XCarve and
the Multi-Cam.



I would like to take the class, but as of today I do not see it listed in the calendar for the 25th

Classes can take up to 3 days to show up on the calendar after being submitted. There is an approval process.

The can show up quicker if approved early, but 3 days is the limit.

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@lfrigoli It’s live now.

I was going to post the link, but it’s already full. Keep an eye on that spot, though. People may cancel.

Wow, that filled up fast

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I am interested in attending as well I have significant experience from the Houston maker barn, however, the rules here require me to become proficient on the shapeoko three before I can access the bigger CNC machine. I’ve been looking to get in a class since June but they are not commonly on the calendar. I would appreciate if you would let me know if I can squeeze in somehow.