Calendar weirdness? (Duplication)

I noticed this on the calendar for Thursday., D&D/Common Room. Two things booked for same space/time, fortunately an obvious duplication, not colliding classes. But still, guessing that ain’t right somehow :slight_smile:

Thought I’d point it out in case the calendar is acting up or someone wants to dig and see what it’s doing/allowing.

some rooms allow it. Common being one of them.

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Interesting, didn’t know that. Makes sense. Thx.

Wonder what’s with the duplication, then, not that it matters. Seems odd.

Same date, time, location and organizer, but two different event id’s… one had a user registered, the newer one did not. I deleted the newer one.

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Is it by design that system lets same person schedule two events or classes at overlapping day/times, different rooms/venues notwithstanding?

Considering the other bugs and design decisions in the calendar, that one surprises you? :wink: It is an edge case, and if the person creating the class was paying attention at all, should never happen.