I think texting is currently broken in the calendar? Is this correct?
Do we think more people would attend the classes they register for if we had texting reminders enabled? What if we had a text confirmation 24 hours before the event (“Text Yes to complete your registration”)
I do think more people would attend if texting reminders were enabled. I find it very helpful with doctors appts, library returns etc. Text confirmation 24 hours prior to event.
“Text Yes to confirm attendance. Text No to cancel”. If “No” is received, then remove their registration, Else no change.
I wouldn’t say to “Complete registration”…that implies their seat may be forfeited, and I’m not sure that’s what you want to do. Getting text reminders is an optional part of the process.
I’d be more in favor of this, or something close to it, if 1) it was more reminder-oriented, as in “reminder: you are registered in blah blah blah; if you are still planning to attend, do nothing,otherwise click here to cancel your registration.”; and 2) it was not exclusively text based, i.e. at time of registration you could opt for text, email, or phone call reminder.
+1 on this. Phone call may be hard to do, but text or email reminder would be good and even better if you have an option to cancel the registration if something else came up.
Personally I’d prefer to see an option for RSS and iCal support since that’s how one’s own email system can alert yourself to the event without having to add additional functionality into the site.
Use case(s):
As a user,
When I sign up for a class/event and receive an email about the RSVP there would be an attached calendar invite via iCal format which I could add to my own personal calendar
So that Siri/Echo/Android/… could alert me with my favorite device.
As an instructor,
When I create a class/event and receive an email about the event being created that would include an attached calendar invite via iCal format which I could add to my own personal calendar
So that Siri/Echo/Android/… could alert me with my favorite device.
As an instructor,
I wish to import an RSS feed of classes/event that I have created in my personal calendar system of choice
So that I can maintain a consistent class schedule.
I can tell who has and hasn’t signed up for a class recently. I opted into the text option the last time I took a class, but never got the text. There was an email reminder too, but I never check my email.
I signed up for the text because I’d totally forgotten a class I’d signed up for earlier.